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VMware remote share problems and how to fix them
by admin
 at 2019-03-06 04:29:00.

there are several errors you might get when using VMware workstation to share a VMware.

1) under edit > preferences > shared VMs select the directory and port you want to use.

on the remote device use www.example.com:443 to specify the port.

2)you can use windows admin user to login or you can add other windows users under shared VMs right click > permissions

3) VMware unable to connect to the mks login incorrect

make sure the authd.client.port in C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Workstation\config.ini 
is 902, or 903. change to see which one works.

4) make sure your firewall is not blocking ports 902,903,and 443 (if you didn't change it in the settings)