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libpython2.5.so error not found
by admin
 at 2017-07-21 08:09:00.

if you have the libpython2.5.so can’t error you can try all these commands (and hope one will work) you must have pythone and synaptic already installed
cd /usr/lib
ls libpython*; dpkg -l | grep libpython; lsb_release -a
sudo ln -s ./libpython2.6.so.1.0 ./libpython2.5.so.1.0
$ cd /usr/lib64/
$ ln -s libpython2.6.so libpython2.5.so.1.0
$ ln -s libpython2.5.so.1.0 libpython2.5.so.1
$ ln -s libpython2.5.so.1 libpython2.5.so
$ cd /usr/lib/
$ ln -s libpython2.6.so.1.0 libpython2.5.so.1.0
$ ln -s libpython2.5.so.1.0 libpython2.5.so.1
$ ln -s libpython2.5.so.1 libpython2.5.so
$ cd /usr/local/lib/
$ ln -s python2.6 python2.5
$ cd $HOME/nta/lib
$ ln -s python2.5 python2.6

$ python
>>> import nupic.network
>>> quit();